Operating with Integrity

From strong corporate governance, to the highest standards in quality, compliance, safety and performance, we strive to always do the right thing.

To make a positive, long-term impact for patients, we earn and maintain their trust by acting with integrity in everything we do. We pride ourselves on our unwavering principles and our commitment, knowing not only is it the right thing to do, but it also ensures the resiliency of our business and our long-term success.

Code of conduct

The foundation of our uncompromising integrity is our Code of Business Conduct


If you have a question or concern, or are aware of a potential violation of the law or AbbVie’s policies, we offer a global Ethics Helpline, available 24/7.

Workplace safety

We uphold and respect peoples’ individual rights and safety.

Transparency in payments

Through transparency and disclosure, we demonstrate integrity in our relationships with health care professionals.

Ethics & compliance

Our ethics and compliance program focuses on strong leadership, clearly written standards, accountability, effective lines of communication, relevant training forthright assessment and remediation.

focus areas