A Story of Survival
We support the retention and advancement of Black talent within AbbVie, foster an inclusive culture and make a remarkable impact on our company and the communities where we work and live.
The Black community brings highly valued skills to our workplace. Join us and make a remarkable impact.
The Black Business Network promotes career advancement and professional development by sponsoring career initiatives to develop and sustain the next generation of leaders at AbbVie. In addition, we strive to enhance the cultural competence within AbbVie focusing on cultural education, recruitment and retention of Black employees.
We do that by enabling all employees to reach their potential through:
The Black Business Network’s Cultural Competence Series highlights education and cultural awareness for its members. BBN members compiled this video and provided multiple opportunities for all AbbVie colleagues to watch and is delighted to share these compelling stories widely.
“The Fifth Girl: A Story of Survival” portrays the events of September 15, 1963, when the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham was bombed, killing four young girls. More than a trip through history, it’s the tragic story of a moment that changed one young girl’s life forever, her journey of survival, and her determination to share her story with the world at large.
"More With Less: The Power of HBCUs in America" explores the prominence, importance and impact of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) on society and the ways that they continue to create an avenue for underrepresented people seeking higher education.
We help recruit diverse talent and provide employee development. These activities support us and further employees’ sense of belonging and engagement. As engagement increases, employees naturally expand into roles that maximize their potential and encourages them to explore and grow their skill sets.
We are committed to helping employees exceed their potential and support. We partner with community organizations in area such as education, youth empowerment and STEM programs, such as Chicago Scholars
BBN is proud to support organizations through the AbbVie Foundation ERG community grant program.
Danjuma Quarless, Ph.D., senior scientist, makes the discovery process more efficient at AbbVie.