Protecting Human Rights & Workplace Safety

Ensuring the safety of our employees is a cornerstone commitment to our employee community and human rights more broadly.


Respecting human rights is core to our integrity and operations

AbbVie believes in the inherent dignity of every human being and respects individual rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We reflect these precepts in our company’s fundamental principles and in our mission to address serious health challenges.

We contribute to the realization of human rights through our policies on employment, ethics and procurement. Our practices and programs not only ensure compliance with laws and regulations wherever we have operations, but also address any workplace concerns raised by employees.


We prioritize the safety of our people in the workplace

“Zero. Believe It. Achieve It.” is the philosophy that guides our approach to workplace safety. The philosophy reflects the belief that every environmental, health and safety incident is preventable if we all adopt a preventative mindset.

We provide comprehensive workplace safety training to all employees–and we’ve seen results. Since our launch as an independent company, we have been a Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) leader in occupational health and safety across the biotechnology industry. Our recordable incident rate and lost time incident rate are among the lowest in the industry, based on data from the Pharmaceutical Safety Group, an industry consortium.

incident rate
recordable incident rate (per 200,000 hours worked) in 2023
time lost
lost time injuries frequency rate (per 200,000 hours worked) in 2023

We protect human rights and workplace safety through various policies and practices, including:

Safety training observation program

Our Safety Training Observation Program (STOP) for Frontline Supervision is designed to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses through training, peer-to-peer support and coaching. This program aligns with our culture of risk anticipation and is intended to improve our detection and elimination of environmental health & safety (EHS) incidents.

Anti-harassment policies

We provide training to employees on anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies and practices. AbbVie’s anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy applies to all employees, applicants, vendors, customers, clients or any third party engaged in business with AbbVie.

Ethics and compliance

To gather information regarding compliance and ethics concerns, we offer resources such as our confidential Ethics and Compliance Helpline, a telephone- and web-based hotline maintained by a third party. Employees may also contact our Office of Ethics and Compliance or the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer directly.